
A Property Management And Documentation Platform

Transforming Property Management in Australia: Telexar Technologies’ Partnership with DigiState

In collaboration with DigiState, a pioneering property management and documentation platform based in Australia, Telexar Technologies embarked on a transformative journey to develop an innovative and user-friendly property management solution. This case study delves into the project’s inception, development process, key features, and the ultimate recognition it received through Microsoft’s Startup program.

Discovery and Blueprinting

The project began with an in-depth discovery call between Telexar Technologies and DigiState. This initial interaction served as a crucial foundation for understanding DigiState’s requirements and gaining insights into the intricacies of the Australian real estate domain. To facilitate a common vision for the project, the team leveraged Figma to create a prototype, allowing all stakeholders to visualize the blueprint of the end application.

Multi-Tenant Architecture

One of the standout features of the resulting property management platform is its multi-tenant functionality. This enables property management companies to establish organizations within the system, under which multiple property managers can operate seamlessly. Property managers can create, oversee, and manage properties within their designated portfolio, all from a centralized platform. This innovative approach streamlines the property management process, fostering efficiency and collaboration among teams.

Key Features

The property management and documentation platform developed by Telexar Technologies for DigiState boasts a robust set of features tailored to the specific needs of property managers and investors in the Australian market:
Maintenance Management: The platform includes a comprehensive maintenance management system, allowing property managers to schedule, track, and manage maintenance tasks efficiently. This feature enhances property upkeep and tenant satisfaction.
Property Status Tracking: Real-time property status updates provide property managers with a clear overview of their portfolios. This empowers them to make informed decisions and respond swiftly to any issues or opportunities.
Rent Collection Status: An integrated rent collection system simplifies the often complex process of rent collection. Property managers can easily monitor rent payments and automate reminders, ensuring a steady and hassle-free income stream for property investors.

Technology Stack and Agile Development

Telexar Technologies utilized a cutting-edge technology stack to bring this property management platform to life. The front end was developed using ReactJS, a popular JavaScript library known for its flexibility and performance. The backend was powered by .NET Core, leveraging the advantages of a microservices architecture to ensure scalability and maintainability.
Throughout the development process, an agile software development approach was followed. This allowed for iterative development cycles, frequent feedback loops, and the flexibility to adapt to evolving requirements. This methodology was instrumental in delivering a robust and user-friendly product within the specified timeline.

Recognition from Microsoft for Startups

The success of Telexar Technologies and DigiState’s collaboration did not go unnoticed. Their innovative property management and documentation platform earned a spot in the prestigious Microsoft for Startups program. This recognition underscores the platform’s potential to drive significant change in the property management industry.


The partnership between Telexar Technologies and DigiState exemplifies the power of technology to revolutionize traditional industries. By combining deep industry knowledge, a collaborative approach, and cutting-edge technology, they created a game-changing property management and documentation platform. Its multi-tenant architecture, key features, and recognition by Microsoft for Startups position it as a transformative force in the Australian property management sector. This case study serves as a testament to the potential of innovative technology solutions in solving real-world business challenges.